Montag, 16. Juni 2014

Mini drugstore haul

After I wrote my last 4h exam for this semester (only two 2h ones left and I'm free again haha) I had 45 minutes till I had to take the bus, so I thought I'd pop into my local drugstore because the exam was so exhausting! Standing in front of all the beautiful things I realized I had a reaaaal low budget, but that didn't bother me. 

I only bought a few little pieces but I thought I'll share that with you guys!
I started off with the cheaper brands to get as much as possible haha. 
This brand is called P2 and I they only sell their products in Germany. I found two pretty lip liners with decent quality and I thought I'd give them a go because I already own another one of them. They're called Perfect Look Lipliner, they're matte and you can twist them up so you don't have to sharpen them. The lighter one is called "120 candy" and the darker one is called "130 rose".
The next stop was Manhattan. They have some really good stuff and beside of one lipgloss I liked almost everything I ever used by them. I only repurchased the Wake Up under eye concealer I use on a daily basis. It isn't high coverage but it still makes my eyes appear more awake. I got it in the lightest shade.
Manhatten Wake Up Concealer, Shade 1
Lastly I got a new powder brush by Ebelin. Again, it only exists in Germany but they aren't anything special. Their brushes are quite good and really soft! 
I usually use it to bronze up my face but I've lost my old one, oops.
Sorry, I already used it haha
This was a really short post, but I thought it would be nice to share that. I hope you have a great day!

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