Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

My Bucket list

I'm thinking a lot about the next year at the moment. I really want to go to America or England even though I'm really scared. Because I've been thinking so much about what I can experience there, I wanted to write everything down. So, this is going to be a bucket list of the things I want to experience in the next years of my life. Hope you enjoy! 

1) Visit California 
2) Go to Coachella
3) See the Grand Canyon 
4) Explore LA
5) See the Hollywood sign 
6) Walk on the walk of fame 
7) Go to Venice beach 
8) LACMA lights 
9) Go to Disneyland 
10) Go to New York 
11) Take a photo on Times Square 
12) Chill in Central Park 
13) Empire State building 
14) Statue of Liberty 
15) Niagara Falls 
16) New Year's Eve on Times Square 
17) Go to Orlando 
18) Tour in the Universal Studios 
19) Go to San Diego
20) Go to San Francisco 
21) See the Golden Gate Bridge 
22) Go to Miami 
23) Go to Chicago 
24) Go to Washington, D.C. 
25) See the White House 
26) Swim with dolphins 
27) Shale watching 
28) Mammoth lakes, California 
29) See a Death Valley 
30) See the NBA finals
31) Drive-In movie theater 
32) Go to London 
33) London eye 
34) See the Buckingham Palace 
35) See the queen 
36) Go to Brighton 
37) Go to Cornwall
38) Go to Canada 
39) Go to Las Vegas 
40) Go to Philadelphia 

I know these are a lot of things and places I want to see. I probably will not do or see half of it, but these are the things that really caught my eyes and I've heard so many great things about it, that I definitly want to experience it myself! 
Have you been to any of these places?


Please note that I haven't been to all these places and that I do not own any rights on these photos because they are from google.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Great list! That's a lot of travelling, hope you get to go everywhere that you want to!

    1. I know it's a lot, but I'll hopefully at least see some of the things xx

  2. Lovely list! Definitely a lot of travelling which is amazing! I hope you manage to tick them all off :D xx

    1. Yeah I'd love to travel the world.. Since I'm planning to go to America, I hope I can tick some off haha xx

  3. I'm actually going to be ticking a lot of these things off in September when I go to America, I'm super excited to go to Los Angeles and San Francisco. We're driving through DC so I hope I manage to see the White House. I hope you manage to tick all of these off at some point!

    1. I'm going to America next year in November (if everythings working out). Oh, you're so lucky !
      Hope so, too xx

  4. Wow! Great list! I've been to Disneyland before (wish is awesome!!) but I also would like to go to LA (Cali being one of them!) one day and just explore there as well :) just like go to different restaurants and shops and do some adventuring you know? :) So much to see!! Where are you hoping to go in Canada? I live in Canada haha but I'd also like to visit Europe some time too! England for sure!!

    Cat ♥ CACHOO JOO

    1. You make me want to go everywhere even more haha ! Idk, maybe like Toronto or something like that.. Where exactly do you live? Well, Europe seems so lame compared to America haha xx
