Sonntag, 22. Juni 2014

Everyone deals with insecurities

As you can already tell by the title of this post, this is going to be something different to the things I normally post. This is something more serious and I have to admit that I'm a little bit nervous to post this. I'd like to let you know that this is quite a personal thing for me to write and I originally didn't plan on ever writing about something like this because I feared that people could find my blog (if I put too much personal information online) and that they would make fun of me or anything like that.

Maybe some of you know Zoe Sugg aka. Zoella on Youtube and her Blog and if you do, you've probably seen the vlog on her second channel with her crying because it all got to much for her that day.

Many people have insecurities, that's a fact. Everybody is insecure about something about themselves whether it's something about their appearance in general, their body or something else in their lifes. And maybe, people just put too much pressure on themselves. I'm one of those people, too, and her vlog made me realise that me and many other people aren't the only ones having issues every now and then.

I put a LOT of pressure on myself. I could barely sleep the last year and the reason for that is too much stress and too much pressure I put on myself. I've been like this my whole life. I always wanted to be the best I can and I am very ambitious, I always was. 
Over the last year everything in my school life became more important for my future and I'm overthinking every little bit and piece that's going on. I'm always stressing about getting good grades, beeing succesful in school and making other people proud of me. It came to a point where I couldn't sleep and the thoughts about not sleeping, which will be leading to even more stress, made me cry and sometimes even get panik attacks every other night. I then tried to put myself together and start not worrying so much. It got better and now I only have sleep issues before exams or other important events (which is a big improvement!).

I constantly have to remind myself of the fact that there is nothing wrong with getting a bad grade (even though I still try to be the best possible haha) or, as Zoe said, failing at making other people happy or proud. Sometimes life gets hard, that's just the way it is and you can't avoid hard situations. Things WILL get better. Things WILL turn out great and less stressful. 

If you're reading this and if you have insecurities, just remind yourself everyday that you're a beautiful person and that there are so many special things about yourself that you can be proud of. Even when you think you aren't special and everyone is better or prettier than you (you're not alone), that's just wrong. There are people out there who love you the way you are and there are people who you make happy or proud. Remind yourself of the beautiful things in life and of the fact, that you are the way you are for a reason. 

I think it's really brave of Zoe to put a vlog like that out into the world of the Internet for more than 5,000,000 people to see. I admire that one of the most important things for her seem to be helping other people and if more people would be/act in such a way, less people would feel bad about themselves. 

Long story short : Don't be too hard to yourself and try not to put too much pressure on your self, you'll be a lot happier and enjoy your life even more!

2 Kommentare:

  1. This is such a lovely post - thank you for writing it :)
    You linked me your blog in the social bloggers chat, just got round to having a read and this post is my fave.
    At the moment I'm struggling with some weird depression thing - I don't know exactly what it is just that I can't be alone and I have to be busy :/ it's making everything pretty hard. Thanks for reminding me I'm not alone, my friends seem to have it all together and i find it hard to reach out. It always gets better though :)

    Much love xo
    amber love

    1. I know what your talking about, I can't be alone either. You know where to find me if you need someone to talk xx
