Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014

Summer Break

Today was the last day of school for this semester and I officially am on summer break ! I only had 3h of school today and now 6 weeks of enjoyment and relaxing are in front of me. I'm so glad that I am now able to recover from all of the stress through exams and everything else going on. It's also really nice outside so I think I'll just relax in the sun today.

In my break I will be doing a work placement in Kindergarten for 2,5 weeks now and then I'll go on family vacation at the Baltic Sea. We will be staying in a small but still really pretty penthouse directly at the beach. Since I'm living in the city I've really been looking forward to this week of joy!

I'll stick onto my schedule concerning blogposts but you can expect some little posts in between because I have so much free time now. I don't even know what I'll do now that I finally have time again haha.

This is just supposed to quickly update you because I'm so happy right now, so this post is very short. Go out and enjoy the wonderful wheather!

8 Kommentare:

  1. Enjoy your Summer break! I hope it's full of lots of fun!


  2. Congrats on being done with your exams! I hope you've done well and have a great summer :)
    Elesaurus |
    Youtube - Eleanor Rose

    1. Yeah I have, I'm so happy right now haha ! Thank you xx

  3. Congrats on your summer break and I hope you have a nice summer xx

  4. Have a wonderful break! I'd love to know how you get on with your placement. Xx

    1. It's going pretty well so far! The kids are amazing, they're literally the sweetest children I've ever seen and they are so happy and loving, I don't even want to leave them again haha.
      The nursery nurses on the other hand are really rude, they shout at them when they start to cry because they miss their mom. They don't even want me to play with the kids and only want me to clean the floors and a million of drawers filled with toys and bricks and stuff.. I had to complain, so that I was able to play with the kids again and the next day, I already had to clean again (at least most of the time..).
