Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014

The beauty scenario Tag

I'm not able to do the posts I really want to do at the moment, I'm really sorry. I still can't get enough of Tags and I hope you aren't bored! Because I'm still so new, there are many tags I can do and I really liked this one.

1. You have to get rid of all your foundations and you can only keep one high end and one drugstore, which do you keep?
- I don't use foundation because my skin is pretty good at the moment and I only owned two drugstore ones in my life. Out of these two I would keep the Maybelline Fit Me Foundation stick.

2. You go for an interview and the lady interviewing you has lipstick on her teeth. Do you approach the subject or ignore it completely?
- I think it depends on the situation. If she is like really businessy and it's a strict interview I'd just ignore it. If she is really nice and friendly I'd tell her. We're human, so it's normal to have things like that going on from time to time, right? She'd probably be thankful that I told her!

3. You're not feeling yourself and need a pick me up. Which lipstick do you put on to make yourself feel beautiful?
- I think I'd go for the Maybelline Color Sensational in "Coral Tonic". It's such a bright and fun color!

4. You go back in time for a day to your teenage years, how would you do your hair and makeup differently?
- I'm still in my teenage years but I would tell my younger self to stop chopping my hair off to my chin and stop styling it in weird ways (really puffy waves or spikey to the sides definitely didn't look cute !!). I don't think I wore any crazy makeup.

5. You ask your hairdresser for a shoulder length Pixie Lott hair cut, but they hear wrong and give you a pixi cut. Do you a) Smile, say thank you, leave and call your mum hysterical b) Cry in the chair and things get awkward or c) Complain to the manager and demand a refund.
- I'd make sure to see what the hairdresser is doing before he even starts cutting it all off, so I would try to stop him before it even happens. When I couldn't stop it from happening I would probably start to cry right away, call my mom and cry even more and then complain to the manager! I am really emotional when it comes to my hair, even though it would grow back..

6. Your friend surprises you with a 4 day city break and you have 1 hour to pack. Which 'do it all' palette do you pack in your makeup bag?
- The Lorac pro palette! It has everything the heart desires.

7. Your house has been robbed, don't worry everyone is safe, but your beauty stash has been raided. What's the product you really hope is safe?
- Again, my Lorac pro palette and probably my bronzers.

8. Your friend borrows your makeup and returns it in awful condition. Do you a) Just pretend you haven't noticed b) Ask them to repurchase it or c) Secretly do the same to something of theirs
- I'd tell her that she has to take care of the things she borrows and I would be a little bit pissed. Later on everything would be fine again but I would never borrow her everything again. 

If you decide to do this tag yourself, make sure to leave the link in the comments so I can check it out!

6 Kommentare:

  1. This is such a cool tag! I would say the exact same thing as you about the interviewer having lipstick on her teeth :)

    Every Day In Grace

  2. Love this tag! That palette looks lovely!
    I would definitely cry if a hairdresser gave me a pixie cut. I have had some awful hair disasters in the past so always pay extra to get the manager/best possible. They actually listen to you (and believe you when you say it is not possible to blow-dry your hair and that they will spend 30 minutes attempting to get volume into hair that really doesn't want it haha!)

    Rachael at

    1. me too! I recently found a really good hair dresser and she is now always coming to my house to cut my hair, so nobody will see me crying if yomething terrible happens haha xx

  3. Hey lovely I nominated you for the Liebster award xx

    1. Ah, thanks a lot xx the post will go up tomorrow if you want to check it out !
